Friday, June 14, 2013

Sterling Hill Mine- April 2013

 I started a new hobby in March of 2013, collecting rocks that glow under a UV light. These rocks are known as fluorescent. Different minerals make the rock glow different colors. One of the most famous locations in the world you can find these rocks is in the Franklin area of New Jersey. So now I combine my visit to National Parks while looking to rocks that glow. I spent five days in the New Jersey,  Pennsylvania and New York area visiting National Parks and two days at the Sterling Hill  mine in NJ looking for nice rocks that glow.
  Here is a couple of examples of the glow in the dark rocks I was looking for:

Before and after the UV light has been applied;

  There as many colors to these rocks and there are minerals. Not all minerals make a rock glow, but some of these rocks glow with as many colors as a rainbow can produce.

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