Friday, June 14, 2013

Journey Through Hollowed Ground NHA- 26-28 May

 This National Historic Area encompasses three states, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania,  30 historic downtown areas, 13 National Parks, state parks, trails and over one million acres on the National Register of Historic Places.
  Some of the more famous sites include, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Manassas, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, Monocacy, Montpelier ( Home of James Madison), Ash-Lawn (Home of James Monroe) and Monticello (Home of Thomas Jefferson).  Some of the lesser known sites take you on a wonderful ride the each states country side though wine and horse country, lesser known Civil War sites where such notables as the Confederate raider John S. Mosby reeked  havoc on Union forces.
  Most of the 38 sites in this area I have visited many of these sites before, however the NHA recently issued  Passport stamps for these sites so a return visit was in order.  During three days I covered at least 600 miles in a large loop before I returned home.
  Here are a few pictures of sites I visited:

Montpelier-James Madison's Home

Washington Count, VA visitor center

Culpeper, VA visitor center, remolded train station
Orange County Visitor Center, remolded train station

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