Friday, June 14, 2013

Arlington House & Cemetery-10 Feb 2013

Decided to take a trip to Washington D.C. in to visit some sites I have missed on my many visits to the area.  First up was Arlington House and Cemetery. After my arrival I was in luck as the changing of the guard was about to take place. One of the reasons why I visit the nations National Parks and Monuments is to collect the Passport stamps at each location. There are currently 401 such sites and so many stamps at these locations I can not recall.
  But the main reason why I like to travel to visit these sites is the rich history and the story they tell of America. When you visit Arlington Cemetery and see all the graves one can only think about the sacrifice of the men and women buried there. As I stood there watching the guard change there must have been at least 200 people there, men, women, children, young, old, all races American citizens and foreigners. All stood in COMPLETE silence, even the smallest child seemed to know this was a special place as not a sound came from their lips.  Men, women, children, young, old, American citizens, and foreigners stood in silence as the guard changed, each lost in there own thoughts. Perhaps a few prayed for loved ones lost in past conflicts, others prayed to keep loved ones safe who are currently in harms way. Or like me I thought about all those who have died to protect our freedoms we now cherish so dearly. The day was a cold, crisp, and sunny, but one could almost hear the sound of liberty ringing, ringing loudly for those buried here who once served so proudly to defend that freedom.
 Near by is Arlington House, once the home of  General Robert E. Lee and his wife, Mary Custis-Lee, the step great-granddaughter of General George Washington. They lost their home when General Lee left the union to serve his native state of Virginia. 
 Both sites of this National Park unit takes some time to visit, one could spend all day or more visiting all the monuments.  But a day trip is worth it, bring your walking shoes as this place has steep hills that will task you and get you back into shape, if not wear you out by the end of the day.
 Main attractions are the JFK and Robert Kennedy sites. The National Women's Memorial should also be on your places to visit. This site is near the entrance to the cemetery and is dedicated to the women who have served our nation. It is well worth the visit.

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