Friday, June 14, 2013

Moores Creek NB- 3 Feb 2013

After our visit to Charlotte, NC we decided to venture on over to Moores Creek National Battlefield, site of the American Revolution's first victory during the long struggle for independence.  On one side of the battle there were the Loyalist,  dominated by the local Scottish Highlanders who owed the allegiance to the British crown who faced off with 1000 Patriot North Carolinians at Moores Creek Bridge. The Patriots had removed the planks from the bridge and even greased up the bridge supports to deter the Loyalist. However, the Scottish Broadsword wielding Loyalist pushed ahead. On 27 February 1776, Patriot and Loyalist forces clashed.
  Loyalist information said the Patriots were small in number and could easily taken. What they found instead was a Patriot force of 1000 strong, heavily armed and ready for the  Loyalist. When the smoke cleared, the 30 to 70 Loyalist lay dead or dying and now leaderless, the Loyalist quickly surrendered or ran in confusion.
   While the site is not very large, it does have a very nice walking trail around the battlefield. The trails are easily walked and take you over the ground covered by those at the battle. You walk over a reconstruction of Moores Creek Bridge and around many monuments dedicated to those at the battle.
  Be sure to watch the film at the visitor center before your walking tour.


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