Monday, June 17, 2013

ISLE ROYAL NP- July 2012

  Sandee and I love the northern section of the Mid-West, WI, MI & MN. Last years convention for the National Travels Parks Club saw us in Apostle Islands National Seashore. Knowing that there are allot of beautiful places to see in these three states we set off to visit as many of them as we could. Our first major layover was Isle Royal National Park.
  This place is amazing that it is said more people return to this park than any of the other parks in the National Park system and I can see why. It is an island in the middle of Lake Superior, where one can hike, camp, and fish in a rich wilderness almost untouched by time.  It is a bit remote and to get there you must WANT to get there. Only two ways to get to the island, boat or plane. Given the cost to fly there most opt to take the boat. And there are two ways to you can get there by boat. First option is to leave from Copper Harbor which takes you directly to Rock Harbor, approx. 4 hour ride.
  The Rock Harbor is a hub for the island. You can eat a meal at the restaurant or have an adult beverage. Be aware if you decided to eat outside you will have company as the local squrrials like to steal the food right from you plate, while you are eating. We took pictures of one such squrrial so made because he could not get food that he/she took all the napkins out of the dispenser and ran away with them. If you are not into camping you can stay at the Rock Harbor Lodge. Beware the cost for the boat ride and a stay at the lodge is not cheap. For two adults it cost around $650 for the boat ride and a nights stay.
 The other boat ride option is to leave from Grand Portage, MN. This is the location we took our boat ride from and the longest boat ride of the two options, 7 hours. You leave around 7am and arrive at Rock Harbor approx. 4pm. But it is the best way to see the entire island. Rock Harbor is located on the northeastern side of the island and Grand Portage, MN is on the southwestern side. You arrive at Windigo Harbor at the southern tip of the island after about four hours. You have some time here to buy some drinks and food before you take off and ride around the island. The boat stops and picks up passengers who have been on the island camping and hiking and dropping them off at other points. So this gets you into many of the little coves and harbors of the island. Along the way keep your eyes peeled because you NEVER know what you will see, moose, eagles  and any other creatures. We did not see any moose during our trip but others did on another boat.
 Once you arrive at Rock Harbor, the boat docks for the night, you will take the same boat back to Grand Portage the following day. You check into your room and are free to explore the island at will.  Keep in mind the restaurant closes real early and if you take off on a hike you will miss out on dinner if you are gone too long. This happened to couple we were with, we opted to eat they did not. So by the time breakfast came around they were hungry
  The ride back to Grand Portage, MN took us another 7 hours, but this time the boat took us around the eastern side of the island with a final stop at Windgo Harbor again.
  From what I recall the island is 7 miles wide and 22 miles long or there about. If you are prone to sea sickness this may not be the trip for you as Lake Superior can and does get ruff sometimes. But hey, this ole sea dog spent 30 years in the Navy with 24 of those years on ships, so it takes a bit to get me sick.
  Here are some of our pictures:

                                                                        Our boat
                                      One of the many views of the island from the boat
                                              Windgo Harbor our first stop of the day

Rock Harbor Lodge view from the boat as we approached. No a/c in the rooms, but you do not need it, just open the windows and let the cool breeze and lap of the waves lure you to sleep

                                                       Our dinning companion.
                                   One of the many abandoned copper mines on the island
                                                                 Dinning hall
                                             One of the many lighthouses around the island

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